Omega Centauri Software برنامه ها

ScreenDim Trial 1.65
Omega Centauri Software
Is your minimum screen brightness still toobright? Dim your screen below what your device normally permits forcomfortable use in darker environments, reading in bed, amateurastronomy, etc.!No root required. (But there is an experimental root optionwhich makes things even darker on some devices, e.g., the Nexus7.)Save your five favorite brightness and contrast settings as apreset, and get it back by touching a single button or by aLauncher shortcut (Screen Dim also provides a Launcher shortcut tocycle through the presets, and another Launcher shortcut to disableit).ScreenDim also creates a notification item in your status bar soyou can easily go back to it to adjust settings.ScreenDim is the first dimmer that can both adjust backlightbrightness below what the system normally permits on many LCDdevices and dim the contrast. Some dimmers only filter and lowerthe contrast, which keeps the black areas unchanged and glowinggray on LCD devices when in the dark and doesn't save battery life(and at least one does it in a way that slows down 2D screenperformance by about 30% in my testing). Many other dimmers onlychange the backlight within the range normally allowed by theOS.This is a three day trial. After three days, ScreenDimfunctionality will be disabled and to continue using you'll need tobuy Screen Dim Full.If you have any problems with ScreenDim, email before leavingpoor feedback. There is a lot of variation in how different deviceshandle screen brightness, and I may be able to adjust ScreenDim towork better for you.Note 1: On OLED devices, there is no backlight, so alladjustment is contrast-adjustment.Note 2: If you set ScreenDim too dark for you to see the screen,you can recover by adjusting brightness with the volume buttonswhile in ScreenDim, or by tapping where the brightness adjustshould be on the screen if you don't have volume buttons, or byrebooting your device (on many devices this is done by holding thepower button for up to ten seconds to turn the device off and thenby turning on the device).
Force2SD lite [root] 1.30
Omega Centauri Software
This app needs a rooted device. Use at your own risk.The lite version only lets you move five applications to SD.Save precious application storage! Force2SD lets you force mostapps to move to SD card/external storage even when the system wouldnot allow you to move them, thereby saving space in the app storagearea. While Android as of version 2.2 introduced the feature thatlets you move apps to SD card/external storage, it normally onlyallows the movement of applications explicitly marked by thedeveloper as movable. Force2SD moves many applications not markedas movable.You can also move applications back, and sort alphabetically orby apk size.By default (you can turn this off) Force2SD will also scan fororphan app files on your SD card when starting. (Not yet working onLollipop.) Sometimes, the system fails to delete the app file onthe SD card when the app is uninstalled. If any orphan files arefound, you will be asked if you want to delete them. This may helpwith some reboot issues. (This feature will continue to work evenif you do not upgrade to the full version.)Note 1: Applications moved to SD card / external storage willnot get an on-boot signal when the device is booted up. So, do notmove applications that need to perform some operations on boot. Ofcourse, you should always be able to move these applications backif you're having problems.As a bonus, if you don't want an application starting up onboot, you can use Force2SD to move it.Note 2: After a reboot, it make take a while (even a couple ofminutes) for the OS to show up the icons of apps that have beenmoved. That is normal--that's how the OS's apps-on-SD featureworks.Note 3: Some protected apps cannot move.Note 4: Please email the developer before leaving negativefeedback if it doesn't work--it may be possible to fix things.
Raspberry Jam Mod 1.22
Omega Centauri Software
This unofficial mod for Minecraft PEimplements most of the Raspberry PI Minecraft API, allowingMinecraft PE to be controlled by Python code. The package alsoincludes a number of sample Python scripts, including chess (playchess against your device in Minecraft; the script automaticallydownloads the Sunfish engine).This mod requires three other ingredients: (1) Minecraft PE, (2)BlockLauncher (or BlockLauncher Pro) and (3) QPython.It installs the mod for Minecraft PE, as well as a number of samplePython scripts (e.g., draw a waterfilled donut, draw a gigantictree, etc.) It should support most of the scripts from O'Hanlon andWhale's Adventures in Minecraft Book.Detailed instructions on how to use the mod are here: addition to supporting python scripts, once the mod is installedand Minecraft PE is running together with BlockLauncher, you canactually send photos and *.schematic files to Minecraft viaRasperryJamMod. For photos, just share them with "Send to MCPE" inthe gallery, and for *.schematic files, just open them from a filemanager. In both cases make sure you have a world open. This is anexperimental feature and may not always work.
ScreenDim Full 1.68
Omega Centauri Software
Is your minimum screen brightness still toobright? Dim your screen below what your device normally permits forcomfortable use in darker environments, reading in bed, amateurastronomy, etc.!No root required. (But there is an experimental root option whichmakes things even darker on some devices, e.g., the Nexus 7.)Save your five favorite brightness and contrast settings as apreset, and get it back by touching a single button or by aLauncher shortcut (Screen Dim also provides a Launcher shortcut tocycle through the presets, and another Launcher shortcut to disableit).ScreenDim also creates a notification item in your status bar soyou can easily go back to it to adjust settings.ScreenDim is the first dimmer that can both adjust backlightbrightness below what the system normally permits on many LCDdevices and dim the contrast. Some dimmers only filter and lowerthe contrast, which keeps the black areas unchanged and glowinggray on LCD devices when in the dark and doesn't save battery life(and at least one does it in a way that slows down 2D screenperformance by about 30% in my testing). Many other dimmers onlychange the backlight within the range normally allowed by theOS.I recommend you install Screen Dim Trial prior to purchasing theFull version to try it out for three days to ensure fullcompatibility with your device.If you have any problems with ScreenDim, email arpruss@gmail.combefore leaving poor feedback. There is a lot of variation in howdifferent devices handle screen brightness, and I may be able toadjust ScreenDim to work better for you.Note 1: On OLED devices, there is no backlight, so all adjustmentis contrast-adjustment.Note 2: If you set ScreenDim too dark for you to see the screen,you can recover by adjusting brightness with the volume buttonswhile in ScreenDim, or by tapping where the brightness adjustshould be on the screen if you don't have volume buttons, or byrebooting your device (on many devices this is done by holding thepower button for up to ten seconds to turn the device off and thenby turning on the device).
Mindflex to Mindwave Mobile 1.00
Omega Centauri Software
This app (certainly not affiliated with themakers of the Mindflex toy or the Mindwave Mobile headset) puts aMindflex toy EEG headset modified by adding a 57600-baudTTL-serial-to-Bluetooth bridge radio (I recommend an HC-06 one)into a mode compatible with software for the Mindwave Mobile. Themode lasts until the headset is turned off.For instructions on how to hook the Mindflex EEG headset to aBluetooth radio, EEG HEADSET MODIFICATION AND USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS AT YOUROWN RISK. MAKE SURE YOUR HEADSET IS NOT CONNECTED BY WIRE TOANYTHING PLUGGED INTO THE MAINS.
Send Reduced Free 0.16
Omega Centauri Software
Send Reduced lets you share reduced resolutionphotos by email or text with the minimum number of taps. Whensharing a photo, just choose "Send Reduced". The first time, you'llhave to choose the email (or other) app you want to use with it,but if you set the checkmark to make this permanent, next time youwon't even have to do that--as soon as you choose "Send Reduced",you'll be in the email (or other) app.You can also use Send Reduced to attach a reduced photo--whenchoosing the attachment from your email app, first time choose theGallery and set a checkmark, and next time you'll automatically getthe photo from the gallery and reduce it.You can adjust the resolution and quality of the reduced photoby running Send Reduced from your launcher.Send Reduced is tiny, open source (search the web for sourcecode) and has no ads. It strips identifying information (EXIF andfilename) from the photos. There is also a Pro version which letsyou include some EXIF data and preserve filenames if you areinterested in supporting the developer.
LunarMap Lite 1.45-lite
Omega Centauri Software
Many hi-res zoomable moon maps. Perfect for lunar viewing at thetelescope.
Galactic Night [root, Samsung] 1.10.2
Omega Centauri Software
NOTICE: Galactic Night has been discontinued,though you are free to keep on using if it works. If you haveAndroid 4.4 or newer, try our Color Changer Free app instead.Galactic Night is an experimental nightmode app for rootedSamsung Galaxy S2, S3 and Note 1 phones (don't bother trying onother devices) that lets you set various color modes on your phonefor use in the dark, to save batteries, for astronomy, ebookreading in the dark (and during the day) and for other purposes.Currently supported special modes on many devices include: red,green, blue, no-blue, sepia, black and white, reverse and outdoor.E.g., in red mode, everything is rendered in shades of red. Inreverse, all colors are reversed, which is nice for web browsing atnight. In sepia, white is replaced with sepia.Monochromatic color modes like red and especially green (becauseour eyes are very sensitive to green light, you can use lowerintensities with green than with red or blue and still preservevisibility) can save batteries by using only one color of AMOLEDsubpixel. Moreover, except on some devices (e.g., the Americanversion of the S3), these modes are designed to preserve maximumdevice usability: they don't just drop the other components of thecolors, but use the overall luminosity of the pixel to set the redor green intensity, which means that even in red and green mode,blue things can still be used.Because Galactic Night uses your Galaxy phone's mDNIe system, itshould not significantly impact graphics speed.WARNING: THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL SOFTWARE REQUIRING A ROOTEDDEVICE. USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. In particular, there is a dangerthat that using modes like red, green, blue and no-blue regularlyand for too long, especially at too high intensity, will result inburn-in on the AMOLED display, resulting in a color tint.The black and white and mono sepia modes are useful for readingebooks even in daytime with ebook reader apps (like the lastversion of the Kindle ebook that I tested) that incorrectly usesubpixel rendering which results in colored fringes around lettersin some orientation. The black and white and mono sepia modes fixthis.Unfortunately, the hardware on the US (or at least Sprint US)versions of the Note and S3 uses a different display controllerfrom the international versions, and this display controller doesnot work for the black and white or mono sepia modes. I've alsohave not been able to get this working on 4.3 on the US SprintS3.
FastLaunch 1.01
Omega Centauri Software
Tiny app that pops up favorite apps by holding search button.
Buttons for RW Rooted Archos 1.02
Omega Centauri Software
This application for advanced users requiresan Archos 43 / 70 / 101 with an rw rooted ROM (search the web for:rw root gen8), but NOT Urukdroid. If you have Urukdroid or a non-rwroot, this application will not work--the changes you make will notstick.Buttons for Archos will let you change the width of the buttonson the bottom or right of the screen (or remove them entirely ifyou wish, by setting the width to zero) as well as to rearrange thecontents of the buttons.You can even add new buttons with contents like "Camera" or"Volume +". These buttons should work, but they will have no iconsdue to limitations in the OS.I have reason to think this doesn't work on the latest Gen8firmware.
Brainlink Wave Generator 1.02
Omega Centauri Software
If you have a Brainlink device andhaveinstalled the 1.06 or newer custom firmware via theBrainlinkFirmware Uploader app, your Brainlink now has atwo-channelsine/triangle/square/arbitrary wave generator that cango up toaround 100-200kHz. This very simple wrapper app controlsthatgenerator.Be careful not to exceed 20mA current draw on the Brainlink(soif you hook up to a 50ohm output, say, make sure youreduceamplitude to 1V or lower in accordance with Ohm's Law). Thereareno safety features in this app. It's designed for hobbyistswhoknow what they are doing.The Brainlink's DAC ports are unipolar. To get bipolaroutputfrom a port, stick a capacitor on it (0.1microfarad workedforme).For instructions on how to use this, code at
Brainlink Firmware Uploader 1.07.1
Omega Centauri Software
Uploads custom firmwares to Brainlink device.
UI Tuner Enable [root] 0.04
Omega Centauri Software
Enable UI Tuner on devices that disable it. Needs root.
Roodrive 0.02
Omega Centauri Software
Drive Roomba 500+ via Bluetooth with an overlay window
P1 Keyboard 1.21
Omega Centauri Software
Driver for a PalmOne Wireless IR Keyboards that you hacked forBluetooth
TinyLaunch with toddler lock 0.14
Omega Centauri Software
Super-light launcher for limited devices and to hide apps fromtoddlers
LunarMap Classic 1.30
Omega Centauri Software
Free moon maps for older Androids
VectorDisplay 0.38.0
Omega Centauri Software
USB-serial / WiFi / Bluetooth vector display for Arduino-typeboards
Force2SD [root] 1.30
Omega Centauri Software
Move many unmovable apps to SD on devices that support moving apps.Needs root.
Giant Stopwatch 1.40
Omega Centauri Software
Sports stopwatch with giant digits
RootDim [root] 1.58
Omega Centauri Software
Dim many rooted device's screens below factory settings.
LunarMap HD 1.41
Omega Centauri Software
Many hi-res zoomable moon maps. Perfect for lunar viewing at thetelescope.
Color Changer Pro [root] 1.31
Omega Centauri Software
Change screen colors (red, sepia, BW, hue, etc.) for fun and fornight vision.
AstroRender 0.03
Omega Centauri Software
Star rendering demo
LibriVox Downloader 1.12
Omega Centauri Software
Download free audio books from the LibriVox collection (need anaudio player)
PerApp 1.03
Omega Centauri Software
Customize with per-app settings.
Color Changer Free [root] 1.32
Omega Centauri Software
Completely recolor all apps! Color Changer requires a rooteddevice. Features of the Pro version: - Use red or amber or green onblack to preserve night vision for astronomy or reading ebooks inbed. - Set sepia for more pleasant reading in a browser. -Oversaturated outdoor mode. - Have fun with monochrome black andwhite. - Customize your colors with R/G/B/saturation/hue sliders. -Prepare for sleep by turning off blue light. - Includes widgetsupport and Tasker integration plugin. The Free version includesred, green, amber, outdoor and inverted color modes, widgetsupport, Tasker integration, experimental gamma support, and afour-day trial of the Pro features. This is NOT an overlay: itcompletely remaps your colors in all apps. (May not be compatiblewith screen recording and screenshot apps, though.) The method usedfor re-coloring is experimental. Use at your own risk. Try the Freeversion before buying the Pro version. Do not set to activate onboot until you've successfully tested. Note 1: Graphicallydemanding games will likely lower their framerate by an amountdepending on your device. Note 2: As a safety measure, ColorChanger's settings are disabled on boot if you boot with deviceupside-down.
Earpiece 1.11
Omega Centauri Software
Listen to audio through your phone's earpiece when you earphonesaren't handy.
Send Reduced Pro 0.27
Omega Centauri Software
Send reduced resolution photos by email/text/etc with minimumnumber of taps.
Shogi with Bonanza 3.65
Omega Centauri Software
Shogi (Japanese Chess) with Bonanza engine and multiple piecestyles
Balance Timer for Wobble Board 0.04
Omega Centauri Software
Measure how long you can stay upright on a balance/wobble board.